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Welcome, bonjour, 你好

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Welcome to our website. We are on a journey around the world since April 2024, from Asia to South America. Here is our story:


Rally, the girl:

  • Born and raised in Mainland China (Jilin province, near North Korea)

  • Studied and lived in Hong Kong for over ten years. (yeah, I feel the change)

  • Former fund manager 

  • Writer and screenwriter, with 5 published novels in Chinese (currently exploring English)

  • Also worked in Social Media Marketing for a program at university

  • INTP

  • I HATE politics (global or office), hypocrites, crying babies, wasting food, French grammar, being ordinary (Hahaha)

  • I LOVE diving, hiking, painting, writing, natures, cultures, rate cuts (Hahaha)


Heaven, the boy:

  • Born in France near Versailles. You should definitely visit the castle, even it is not mine.

  • Holds an engineering degree in Champagne, but never worked in the wine industry.

  • Lived in France, Ireland, Ivory Coast and Hong Kong, experiencing many cultures that have contributed to personal growth.

  • Worked in the construction and aeronautical industries, embracing challenges in various environments, even in the very bottom of a gold mine.

  • ISTJ most of the time.

  • I HATE lunatics (Rally: what's wrong with lunatics? I love lunatics!), wasting food, thief, useless things, people staying late in office to feign hardworking.

  • I LOVE my family, exploring new cultures, understanding people and their interactions. Both social engagements and solitary nature escapades make my day. Geography and science are definitely my things.

  • Minimalism lifestyle except when it comes to food, drinks, family and friends.

Presentation of Rally & Heaven in Macau

We met in Hong Kong four years ago (we were so much cuter and slimmer). The quarantine period allowed us to delve deeper into Hong Kong. The reopening of borders means more opportunities to reach to the bigger world. The decision of leaving Hong Kong isn't difficult, because many of our friends left, those who remain are planning to leave too. 


One day in December 2023:


Heaven:  "I want to move back to France, I miss my Mom."

Rally: "I want to move too, I hate my boss."

Heaven: "I also want to visit more places in Asia. Should we do a six-month trip around Asia after quitting?" 

Rally: "Can do, but I have been to almost every places in Asia, what if I want to explore some places that I have never been to? Should we go to South America?"


So, the 6-month trip in Asia became a 12-month trip in both Asia and South America. As we don't really have a concrete post travel plan, we hope this trip can be finished in one year.

Rally & Heaven

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