We had the stress like everyone who made this choice to go far from home. Packing is a difficult moment during which many questions will be asked and many doubts will be raised.
The below were ours:
What size should be our bags
What weight to carry
What kind of bags to choose
What is “important” to live with
How to get all in plane cabin

The first advice I can give you is to prepare it well in advance! Remember you will be like a snail. If you’re leaving for long, your bag will be your home. Forgetting something will be a bigger cause of stress later.
The second advice is to make it light. Remember that you will have to carry it all by yourself. In the cities, forest or mountains, sunny or rainy. Minimalism is definitely my life style but it is important to think this way for backpacking.
Of course, I am speaking here of general backpacking in which you don’t need specific equipments. If you aim at trailing long days in mountain, climbing, diving or any other; your bag will obviously be of a different composition.
We also took into account that you can buy stuff on the way, only take the most important beforehand.
If you are wondering what is important, ask yourself this simple question: “Can I live without it?”If you think “it might be of any use” or “sometimes I need it”, then you can simply remove it from the list. Think simple and live simple.
Also, if you think about being a top model everywhere, don’t choose backpacking. Go in hotels with your ten luggage and your poor hubby to carry it!
Finally one last advice: put things you use least at the bottom of the bag. However if you carry a spare pair of shoes place them on top for better balance of your bag. Attached outside can even be a better idea to get space.

I will do a separate article on our choice of bags as it is quite a topic too, so stay connected. On our side we considered that 35L is more than enough to bring all and 55cm high is the absolute max to fit the plane cabin. For the weight try to avoid more than 10kg. If you have some heavy items, try to wear them or put in your pockets at the airport and put it back in the bag before entering the plane.
Oh and I forgot a very basic point. Avoid bringing any luxury items! It makes you an easy target for thieves and if you lose it you’ll definitely have difficulties getting it back. Just bring items with no value for you, which can be easily replaced.
We classify our items into six categories.
1/ Bags:

35L Bag pack
Waist / Crossbody bag
=> You can carry phone, money and documents at eyesight where thieves will not challenge it. Moreover it will always be at hand reach.
Rain cover for the main bag
=> You really don’t want to have all your clothes wet. The best is that your backpack is already equipped with it!
Fabric shopping bag
=> You’ll have to transport food and drinks on the way. It is better not to have it in your main bag to avoid any flowing liquids… in addition it is eco friendly.
Basic 10L bag pack or handbag
=> For trekking or walks in the cities to avoid bringing your main bag I would recommend one you can fold in the main bag when in transit.
Waterproof bag for the phone
=> If your trip includes snorkelling and you want to film under water.
Waterproof bag (10L)
=> Not mandatory but so practical for any water activities or rainy days.
2/ Clothes:

Two pairs of light trousers
=> If you go in hot countries try Thailand type trousers, it is very well ventilated.
Jean or trekking trousers
Short or skirt
=> Some religious places or countries might be against these clothes. It is important to consider every culture and respect it when you are travelling!
Two t-shirts
Long sleeve t-shirt
=> In some environments, the UV can be very strong. It will reduce your suncream consumption!
Formal shirt for men or dress for woman to keep some elegance in the city
Half a week of pair of socks and underwear
=> You can also use a rain jacket but we are more team umbrella coz Rally uses umbrella to block the sun too!
Sweater and/or Light Jacket
=> If in mountains or cold environment add a warm coat to your list.
=> I would advise self adjusting trousers to remove the belt from the list.
Bathing suit
Small light fibber towel
=> Some accommodations don’t provide it and it can be used at beaches. Take one that dry fast.
Sport shoes/daily shoes
=> Try to get only one pair to gain space.
Pair of rubber slippers
=> Very convenient in hotels or for beaches. Can also be used when your main shoes are wet. And in China a pair costs only 3~4 usd.
Swimming googles
Ziplock bags
Shower caps
=> To cover your shoes when in the bag.
Advice 1: You should roll your clothes. You will get you more space than if folded.
Advice 2: You can buy clothes adapted to the environment you will visit. Sun block, anti mosquito, light or warm clothes.
Advice 3: If you are not travelling alone, try to reduce the weight by sharing clothes or items.
Advice 4: Do your laundry often to pack less clothes and avoid strong smells. You can use a waterproof bag, use hotel laundry or do it the old way with soap in the sink. But don’t wash in kettles, it is really disgusting and uncivilised …
Advice 5: You can easily buy clothes on the way and it usually fit the local weather. Just bring the necessities at first. And use this opportunity to get local souvenirs!
Advice 6: My preferred trick is Ziplock bags. Use it to keep your wallet and phone dry in rainy weather. You can organise your clothes or store your electronic cables. Also, it allows you to carry safely wet towels/clothes or food.
3/ Electronic:

Phones + charger + SIM cards of visited countries
=> I usually buy SIM cards on arrival. You can also use e-sim card via phone applications.
External phone batteries + cable
=> In case you are short of power, don’t forget that switching off your device or removing all internet access can save you a LOT of energy!
=> Avoid headphones if you want to reduce space and weight.
Travel adaptor with all plug types
Head light
=> Remember that in some cities the public lights are very weak. Many countries can experience periodic shortage of electricity. And it might often be of use while trekking.
Drone + charger
=> If you have one. It will help you take marvellous photos though the backpack will be heavier.
Camera + charger + spare batteries
=> You really want to keep souvenirs of this beautiful adventure.
Computer + charger
=> You’ll have plenty administrative problems as always… and you might need it to edit your videos, write about your travel or do freelance jobs. Just try to make it as light as possible.

Steel water bottle
=> Very useful for hostels lockers or simply lock your bag when travelling in bus, trains or planes.
Passport + ID card
Wallet with cash and bank card
=> If you can, try to get a bank card without ATM or payment fees abroad. It will help you save some money.
International driving licence
=> You can only do it in your home country. So think about it beforehand. It was already too late for us…
Some plastic bags for trash
=> Don’t throw your rubbish in nature please… keep it beautiful for all.
Toilet paper
=> Many public toilets are not equipped and it might be of use when hiking! Obviously, don’t pack to much you’ll have more than enough to recharge in hotels and restaurants.
Alcohol gel or cleaning wipes to clean hands
=> Many countries don’t have toilet essentials in their public toilet. I can’t tell you how much I use these.
Spare glasses
=> It’s such a hassle if you can’t see clearly.
Coffee and tea bag
=> Many hostels or economical hotel won’t have it, and we definitely can’t live without!
Pen + Notebook
=> To write down your stories of course!
Copy of the medical travel insurance
Copy of the passport
Card with your contact + emergency contact info to be put on the bag
ID card picture
Advice 7: Please remember that losing your documents is a possibility. It might be very difficult to get new ones at the opposite side of the world.
Having copies will make it easier when contacting your consulates, bank or even local authorities.
Of course don’t make it reachable by all and store it in a place you have ease of access: at the bottom of your bag, in your mails or in your internet cloud.
Advice 8: Don’t forget to bring a steel water bottle. It’s eco friendly and avoids you to buy multiple bottles if you refill it every morning. In addition,I like to have it refilled at the airport to drink on the way!
5/ First aid kit:

Eye drop / Eye wash
Plasters and wound pads
Shoes/feet plasters
=> If your shoes are new or a bit tight it will give you some comfort.
Antiseptic cream and alcohol
Paracetamol / Ibuprofen
Anti-diarrhoea medicines
Mosquito repellent
=> Some are to be applied on clothes. I prefer these to avoid skin reactions.
Painkiller/tiger palm
Advice 9: Make sure all your vaccinations are up to date and don’t hesitate to see the dentist for checkup beforehand. It will avoid you many trouble later.
6/ Toiletries:

Tooth brush + Tooth paste
=> Only the basics! Don’t make it a hassle to carry.
Lady towels
Cotton face pad
Hard soap in a box
=> Shampoo is not necessary as you will find it in most hotels.
Nail clippers
=> Unlike what everyone thinks, it is accepted in plane cabin.
Contraceptives of any kinds
=> For couple or single, whatever the situation better be careful!
Advice 10: For most of the medicines or toiletries, it can be tricky to find the one you like or need in other countries. Better getting it earlier at home. Of course avoid any liquides above 100mL if you take a plane.
This is our minimalist backpacking list. Of course adapt it to your need, but keep in mind that minimalism backpacking, out of a life habit also brings you simplicity and comfort:
No heavy bag pack to carry on your shoulder;
You can keep all with yourself in most transportation;
Easier to fit hostels storage or lockers in tourist attractions;
No brainstorm every morning to know what to wear;
All at hand reach within the bag;
In conclusion: make it simple, light and convenient. Pack it in advance and keep some space for souvenirs. The most important is the travel and destination but for sure a good packing will help you enjoy it more!
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